Iowa Health Care Iowa Glaucoma Curriculum


I am lucky to be at the University of Iowa where teaching is valued – my Chairs (Thomas A. Weingeist, Ph.D., M.D. and then Keith D. Carter, M.D.) have always been supportive of the teaching endeavors of the faculty – as evidenced by and

My colleagues on the Glaucoma Service (Young Kwon, John Fingert and Dan Bettis) have helped me gather some of these materials and have always been enthusiastic about the Glaucoma Checklist project.

Since 1987 my job has been to teach the smartest and most dedicated residents and fellows. They are the reason that I enjoy teaching.

I hold the Frederick C. Blodi Chair in Ophthalmology. This has supported the parts of my career that are non-clinical. Dr. Blodi was a dear friend and inspirational figure. His greatest love was teaching, and it is appropriate that his chair supported this effort.

I have had great photographic, video, and perimetric support throughout my entire career – thanks to Benita Carney, Paul Montague, Randy Verdick, Brice Crister and the entire Photography and Perimetry Services.

Our department’s IT support group has also always been enthusiastic about projects like this – thanks to Jessica Bramow and Dustin McGranahan.

There is a tremendous enthusiasm for web-based teaching in our department. Trish Duffel, our librarian, is also an internet expert. Drs. Tom Oetting, Andrew Doan and Steve Christiansen all have extensive web design experience and made very helpful suggestions.

Lee Allen gave me his remarkable collection of angle paintings (which I have subsequently given to my department). My daughter Sarah is a PhotoShop wizard and has turned some of Lee’s paintings into great examples of indentation gonioscopy. Sarah also designed the logo.

Drs. Erin Boese, Elisabeth Aponte, and Megan Chambers have reviewed beta versions of the curriculum and made very helpful suggestions.

Lastly, and most importantly, my wife Kazi has put up with the evenings that I have spent working on this site instead of pursuing “normal” hobbies.